chhuda dena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. statement, neglect (see this word A), law, registration, mortgage transcription; discharge of mortgage; 2. The boundaries of the evaporative process are linked to the availability of water and energy and the discharge capacity of the water vapor in the atmosphere 3. The foothills becomes, in its entirety, an extensive hydrographic organization, adapted to the intermittent discharge of water bodies and sometimes considerable material discharged by the floods from the mountains serving as a "catchment area" 4. The relevant comparison is between the quantity of goods produced in b (we assume equal to that of a) and the quantity of money required for their discharge 5. The term renewal, defined as the time needed to replenish if they were totally exhausted, depends on the time course of groundwater between the power supply and those areas of discharge